Friday, June 20, 2014

An Update of our Goings-On:

We shall go in chronological order....

FIRST: Here's a picture from our last meeting! So bittersweet!!!

SECOND: The senior members of the club have officially graduated. Sad to see so many beloved members move onto the real world, but new members will come and fill the club with love and determination once more. Us seniors will remember all of the great memories we shared and will (probably) come visit you guys whenever we can!

(Samantha, Arianna, and Kyler before graduation)
*We could not find the rest of the members before the ceremony, there are lots who were not pictured!

THIRD: The club and graduated members were invited to walk in the Pride Parade with the other GSAs and QSAs in Utah. We were asked to wear the color yellow (and Brayden rocked it in purple!) :). Unfortunately none of the current members were able to make it (out of town and stuff :) ) but a handful of the seniors were able to be there to help us represent American Fork! Afterwards we went out to eat and explored the Pride Festival. It was lots of fun!

(The group before the parade)

(We even had our mascot, Jimi Hendrix, there with us!)

(The group walking in the parade)

(Ethan and Tanner are now famous! ;) )

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: I have finally finished updating our LGBTQIAP+ page (I've been working on it very off and on for months...)! So feel free to check it out! It's chock-full of information! If you have anything you want us to add, subtract, update, etc, or if you just want to tell us what you think of it, feel free to email us at! We would love to hear your feedback!

That's all for now, we will be sure to keep you all updated! Have a lovely day!

-Arianna (previous vice-president)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Queer Prom!

A big group of us (so far 17 people) are planning to go to Queer Prom (there isn't much of a dress code, so don't stress about formal attire, where what you want and just be you), so here's the mostly completed  plan for this Saturday:

->Prom is at the Salt Lake City Library (210 E 400 S).
->The dance goes from 8pm to midnight.
->Tickets can be bought online for $5 (, or you can buy them for $10 at the door. Each ticket price is per person.
->Be sure to bring some form of ID to the dance (driver's license, school ID, etc) because they will be checking at the door to make sure everyone is in the 14-20 age range.
->We'll all go eat pizza at the Pie Hole in Salt Lake before the dance (344 S State Street).
->If there isn't parking at the library, there's a $5 parking garage by Pie Hole, so we can park there and walk to the library after we eat.
->We tentatively have carpools worked out:

Ethan will drive Tanner, Kaylynn, and Nahuel, with one extra spot for anyone else.

Arianna will drive Ben, Matt, Cody, Jayden, and Micah (with one extra spot depending on the car I can borrow for the night)

Samantha will drive Christian, Brayden, Alex, and possibly Ryan and Emily, with one (or maybe two) extra spot(s).

Mindy will drive up when she gets off work.

If anyone else wants to join, we've got some room! Also, if anyone decides that they're no longer going, or if they'd feel more comfortable driving themselves up there then just give us a heads up. 

LAST IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION: We will be meeting at the high school at 5:45pm on Saturday so that we have time to take pictures, drive, eat, and walk to the dance!

If I missed anything or you have something to add, don't hesitate to comment!


We all had a blast at prom!

(The group before we headed up to Salt Lake)

(Having fun at the dance!)


Saturday, March 8, 2014

GSA Invitation to State Capitol Part 2

Our very own Samantha Murdock spoke before Senators Urquhart and Dabakis and several legislators during a Capitol event while we cheered her on. Others of us who attended: Brayden Paulson, Ethan Johnson, Tanner Parkin, Jayden Ward, Stephanie Bjornn, and Holly Clayton.

Here's a link about it: GSA Invitation to State Capitol for Compassionate Conversations Event

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Arianna & Matt Are Famous

Hello all!

Two representatives from our GSA, Arianna Taylor and Matt Campbell,  spoke at a brunch for Equality Utah this past Saturday in SLC.  So they're pretty much celebs now, but I'm sure they'll still think of us little people.  :)  They did an absolutely lovely job, lots of people told them that  they were very touched by their speeches.

Here's a picture of the babes and our lovely Stephanie:

There's a video of their speeches on our Facebook page (I'd put it on here, but I'm terrible with technology and cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it).  Thanks to them for making our humble little GSA look so awesome. {Hi- This is Gina! I'm hijacking Sam's post to insert a link about this event. HERE.}

In other news: meetings are still on Tuesdays at 2:30 in Stephanie's room (104) and you should totes come if you can.  If you can't, please talk to an officer or an advisor and we'll help find a way to keep you involved.  If you've got any meeting ideas or anything you want to suggest about the club please tell us, we're open to any ideas.

Thanks for reading guys, I love you all very much!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Donation Totals

Gina calculated (wow that sounds so nerdy) the totals for all of the items that were donated for Ogden OUTreach and put them on her blog.  So thank you Gina!  It's amazing to see how generous people can be.  Here's the link:
 I love y'all muchly.
