Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A fully functioning blog!

   Hello everyone and welcome to our official club blog! I've been trying to spruce it up a bit and make it very welcoming. I've added a few things like:

-a calm rainbow background (Many of the psychedelic rainbow backgrounds were a bit hard on the eyes so I went with a more mellow choice. It has grown on me and I hope it pleases you as well.)
-our club pledge 
- an inspirational quote (Every blog needs one. It's basically a law. Just kidding. It makes the blog feel cozier. Also, Viktor Frankl was lovely man. I adore him and the quote so I put it on here.)
-a monthly calender that we will keep updated with meeting agendas and any other club events that come up (Notice that the club pictures and caroling are both scheduled on there along with all the club meetings for this month. They also have details and locations if you click on them).
-a link to Gina's personal blog about her journey and the progress she has made with the club (Feel free to check it out, she has truly done a wonderful job).
-emails of the faculty advisers and the officers (The ones who do not have their personal emails on there have the blog email listed. You can still email them through that email, all of them have access to the account).

   This is all a work in progress. I shall continue to add more to the blog as I figure out what I'm doing and as I see the demand for it. In the meantime, if you think of anything that would make the blog better don't hesitate to email me or any other officer and tell us about it. Your input would be very much appreciated. I hope this blog is helpful and effective in keeping you all informed (whether you're a member or you're curious and just want to learn more about the club).

Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks for taking the time to read this. You are all lovely!


Just a quick update on what's been happening and what's coming in the AFHS GSA for the next few weeks.

Here's some of what's been going on lately:

  • Meetings are held every Tuesday at 2:30 in room 104.  It is a hate-free environment, and anyone who wants to attend is free to.  
  • If you need a permission slip, see one of the officers, Ms. Clayton, or Ms. Bjornn.
  • Our donation boxes for Ogden OUTreach project are out, and we've been grateful to have received donations.  (That being said, we're always happy for more!)  The boxes are located in the counseling center, main office, and the classrooms of several teachers.  
And here's some of what's coming up:
  • Our picture for the yearbook is being taken December 5 at 1:20 in the old commons.  (See other post for more info.)
  • We'll be picking up the OUTreach donation boxes and anything in them during the last 15 minutes of lunch on December 10, so get your supplies in there ASAP, and feel free to come help us.  We'll meet in room 104.
  • We're beginning our discussions on the meanings of the letters in the LGBTQIA+ acronym in the next few meetings.  Our next meeting (December 10) we'll be discussing the L for Lesbian.  If you have any information you want to present or topics you want to discuss, please feel free to bring it up in the meeting.
  • December 18 we will meet in the new commons at 6:00 p.m. for caroling.  We'll be caroling to raise money with the French Club and the Be the Change Club.  We should be back around 8:00 p.m. and our goal is to earn $500, so please come and add your voice.
That's it for today, thanks for reading, love you!


Shirts for club pictures!!!

If you want to join the GSA (before the picture) it's not too late! We still have some room, but we do need to have applications turned in to get you in the club picture which is in two days

For those of you who weren't at the meeting today we kind of just finalized the colors for our shirts, we still need:
1 pink 
2 red 
3 oranges
2 greens
2 blues 
2 purples 

It's first come first serve so.... If you need a get-out-of-class pass go see Ms. Bjornn or Ms. Clayton and let them know what color you are wanting to wear. The ever generous Gina Crivello has offered to help those who don't quite have a way to get a shirt. Even if you don't have the "proper" colored shirt on that day it's totally okay! We still would love for all members to be there! :) It'll be on Thursday December 5th @ 1:20 during A4 and you have to have that pass in order to be in the picture. :) We hope to see you all there!